Architecture students can now study a flexible Part 3 course in London
17th November 2017
Architecture students can now study a flexible Part 3 course in London
The ARCex Part 3 course is pleased to announce that from Spring 2018, the flexible course will additionally run from a new architectural home in London.
Increased interest shown in the course modules has allowed ARCex to deliver the course from a new base with Karakusevic Carson Architects in London SE16.
The London course of ARCex will take place over a six week period, meaning that attendance time for the students is more concentrated.
Two new speakers will join the existing course lecturers to deliver the modules in London, who will speak on the importance of Public Procurement, and an experienced practitioner working in the field of Rights to Light and the Party Wall Act
Neil Mathews RIBA and Course Director for ARCex commented,
“I am thrilled to announce that ARCex will now open in a London base. This is due to the healthy pass rate in the Architecture Part 3 end-of-year exams, which, in turn, has led to renewed interest in the course and significant interest to run the course from London.”
ARCex will continue to run from its Belfast course over a series of 10 lecture days normally spaced at least a fortnight apart.
ARCex also has secured a four year prescription from the Architect Registration Board (ARB) to continue delivering its modules in the flexible format. The flexibility of time to study and take the examination is one reason why ARCex is turning out to be so popular for the global student intake.
Once a student has passed Part 3, and provided they are able to meet all the other relevant requirements, they can register with the Architect Registration Board (ARB) to use the title ‘architect’ and apply to join the RIBA as a Chartered Member.